If you have children and would like to expedite their check-in on Sunday morning, please use the provided pre-registration form on the page. We have also included some answers to a few questions you may have:
1) What time are your church services?
We have one gathering at 10:30 AM. We would suggest arriving at least 15 minutes prior to the service you plan to attend.
2) What is your address & phone number?
161 Miller Road; Lebanon, Ohio 45036 | 513-932-5642
3) When I arrive at LHC-LEBANON, where do I go?
We’ll be waiting for you at the door and help you get acquainted with our church when you arrive.
4) How long are the services?
Our services last approximately 65 minutes and we're confident you'll find them authentic and full of life!
5) Is there a dress code?
No. Feel free to dress in clothes that are comfortable for you. You can “dress up” if you want, or wear casual clothes. It really doesn’t matter to us, we’re just glad you’re coming to check out LHC-LEBANON.
6) Will I be singled out if I’m new?
Absolutely not. You are our guest. Each Sunday, there are people just like you who are checking out LHC-LEBANON for the first time. Our goal is for you to have the best experience possible.
7) What about my kids?
Kids love to have fun and so do we! That is why we believe that our children's programs are the perfect places for your kids! We combine creative, age-appropriate environments with life-changing small groups and relational messages and music in large group. LHC-LEBANON is where kids build relationships, learn about Christ and have a blast! You can drop your kids off at any of our gatherings with leaders whose goals are to ensure they encounter God and have fun while you are worshipping in "Big Church."
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