
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20

The Nations


The Mexican Indian Training Center exists to spread the Gospel by preparing individuals to serve God in the rural areas of southern Mexico. The school in Cordoba, Mexico, assists in the spiritual, biblical, and personal development of people who plan to serve as pastors or missionaries. Individuals learn through classes, jobs, missions, personal relationships, conferences, and camps. Liberty Heights Church Español leads a team to Mexico each September. The trip allows students and training center leaders to provide physical help on the grounds, to assist in local evangelistic efforts, and to train future church leaders. This trip is ideal for anyone on their first international mission trip, as well as for “seasoned missions trip veterans.”


SEPAL is a missions organization in Guatemala City, that is part of a group of international mobilizing centers committed to training godly and effective leaders to plant gospel-based churches. LHC partners financially with the SEPAL training group, which trains indigenous church planters and leaders in the rural Mayan villages of Central and Northern Guatemala. This group has literally assisted in starting hundreds of local churches. Since 2014, LHC has been partnering with local church plants, including El Remanente di Iglesia, in the remote village of San Pablo, Laguna. Each summer, LHC sends a team to partner in local evangelistic efforts with El Remanente and to encourage the local church leaders and SEPAL missionaries.

Mission Partners

One of the misconceptions that often is connected to the subject of missions is the idea that missionaries are people who live in other countries to reach people who are far from us. While foreign missions is one aspect of a fully developed missions strategy, there is another that can easily be overlooked: Liberty Heights Member Missionaries. In an effort to celebrate these families who worship alongside us, we provide direct financial support to them out of our monthly budget. We also do this to encourage them as many are required to raise their own funds to support the mission work to which they have been called.

The Cooperative Program

The financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation.


The mission of the International Mission Board is evangelizing, discipling and planting reproducing churches among all peoples in fulfillment of the Great Commission. And, the vision of the IMB is a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation, knowing and worshipping our Lord, Jesus Christ.


The North American Mission Board embraces the vision that Christ spoke in Acts 1:8 that …you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. The missions entity strives to fulfill the Lord’s expectation that a global missions strategy begins with a strong home base that will expand to the global arena. NAMB is the Southern Baptist entity empowered to assist churches to reach North America for Christ.

Our Local Missions Strategy

Our Local Missions Strategy

Making disciples who gather, grow, give & go

Making disciples who gather, grow, give & go


The days of the large, single-site megachurch are quickly fading. Consider the fact that the overwhelming majority of the largest and fastest-growing churches in America are multi-site. There are currently over 8,000 multi-site churches in America. With many churches in decline, that number will only in­crease as smaller congregations seek to be sustained and revitalized through a formal partnership with larger churches. Our vision is not the growth of Liberty Heights Church. It is the spread of the gospel further and faster. We have defined our neighbors as those who live within a 20 minute radius of LHC. This is the “Jerusalem” of our mission field. Our desire is to demonstrate and declare the gospel of grace. We want to love and serve our neighbors in such a way that the community around us would grieve if we shut our doors.

community outreach

We want the community to know we are here. Our desire is not to simply declare the gospel, but live it so that the world might see Jesus through us! Some examples of this would be the after school program we have for Lebanon Junior High (The Heights), workshops put on for the community, family movie nights put on for the community, etc. 

Local Partners

Hope house

HOPE HOUSE of Middletown was founded in 1989. It is a 501(c)(3) faith-based ministry, serving homeless men, women and children in Butler, Warren and surrounding counties in Southwest Ohio. Much more than an emergency shelter, Hope House Mission provides comprehensive programs and services designed to promote long-term, sustainable life transformation.

elizabeth's new life center

Elizabeth's New Life Center helps empower individuals and families to make Godly life choices. Their centers provide vulnerable women with pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, educational classes, and material assistance, while offering full prenatal care through its Holy Family Prenatal Care center, in-school abstinence education programs, and marriage classes through its Marriage Works! Elizabeth’s New Life Center is committed to saving babies and changing lives.

design & intent ministries

Started in 1986, Design and Intent [ formerly Prodigal] Ministries serves more than 500 men, women and loved ones each year with same sex attraction, gender identity struggles and those with HIV/AIDS. The ministry aims (through counseling, mentoring, information, and prayer) to walk with those, to freedom and wholeness, towards God's design and intent for sexuality, gender, and relationships through the power of Jesus Christ.