Parent Resources

For Parents And Kids

God Made All of me

Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb

Jax's tail twitches

David Powlison

Zoe's Hiding place

David Powlison

Henry says Good-bye

Edward T. Welch

It Will be okay

Lysa Terkeurst

i am: 40 reasons to trust god

Diane Stortz

i am: Names of god

Diane Stortz

What are eyes for?

Abbey Wedgeworth

What are ears for?

Abbey Wedgeworth

What are mouths for?

Abbey Wedgeworth

what are hands for?

Abbey Wedgeworth

Jesus Calling

Sarah Young

Jesus storybook bible

Sally Lloyd-Jones

For Parents of Preschool through Elementary

Heaven for kids

Randy Alcorn

100 day bible reading plan

Tedd Tripp

Parenting: 14 Gospel principles

Paul David Tripp

ask anything - questions answered

Randy Alcorn

Parenting with hope

Melissa B. Kruger

For Parents of Middle School through College

WHAT DO YOU think of me?
why do i care?

Edward T. Welch

why is my teenager acting like this?

David Murray

why am i feeling like this?

David Murray

get outta my face!

Rick Horne

new morning mercies for teens

Paul David Tripp

Age of opportunity

Paul David Tripp

You never stop being a parent

Jim Newheiser & Elyse Fitzpatrick

5 conversations you must have
with your daughter

Vicki Courtney


Liz Edrington